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Xela News
18-03-2015 - Website updated
Latest News
Why Is the USA Natural Gas Price Up Today?
Rigzone talks to market analysts.
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Valero Offers $650 Million Senior Notes to Refinance Debt
Valero entered into an underwriting agreement for five-year senior notes with a principal amount of $650 million to repay maturities.
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Singapore Oil Producer Suspends Stock Trading amid Myanmar Allegations
Interra has temporarily stopped trading on the Singapore exchange amid an inquiry by regulators into the company's operations in junta-ruled Myanmar.
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AccuWeather Warns of Relentless Rounds of Winter Storms
'We do not anticipate weather-related impacts at refineries at this time', AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Tom Kines told Rigzone.
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Marathon Petroleum Beats Q4 Estimates, Unveils Midstream Plans
For full-year 2024, net income attributable to MPC was $3.4 billion, or $10.08 per diluted share.
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UK Union Says Gov's Energy Plans Have Failed to Address Major Decisions
'It is clear the government's energy plans do not address major decisions that need to be made now', Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham said.
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Mauritania-Senegal LNG Project Set to Start Exports This Quarter
Liquefaction has started at the 2.3 MMtpa Greater Tortue Ahmeyim phase 1 project.
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